Saturday, May 11, 2013

Coupon Codes for Metabolic Medical Center

Coupon Codes

Listed are some coupon codes for Metabolic Medical Center. Please note that coupon codes
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May Coupon Code: mmc10
  Take $10 off any order over $100
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Metabolic Medical Center Coupon Codes

Sunday, March 17, 2013

Metabolic Weight Loss

Metabolic Weight Loss Centers

Metabolic Medical Centers

Metabolic Medical Centers will help you lose weight with their metabolic weight loss programs. These programs are customized from a metabolic diet that was developed for diabetic patients to control blood sugar. The result was a weight loss program that is medically sound and is based on medical principals. Don't just trust anyone to your weight loss; choose a doctor developed and doctor supervised plan.

Metabolic Weight loss Programs Include:

  • Dr. developed programs
  • Quick weight loss - keeps you motivated
  • Prescription strength medications - if needed
  • A meal plan developed for you
  • Supplements and meal replacements.

Choose metabolic weight loss for all your dieting needs.

Metabolic Medial Centers of South Carolina.

Friday, February 22, 2013

Are Antibiotics Making us Fat?


By Michal Baird, M.D. -

There is an explosion of research in the human micro biome. Scientists are learning that “no man is an island.” We are, in fact, teeming with bacteria, viruses and other such critters – on our skin, in our gut, and everywhere. And even more astounding, we need each other! In our zeal to wipe out these “filthy” critters, we have neglected the time to get to know each other.

The micro biota living in our guts greatly outnumber our own cells. Plus, they work for us. They make vitamin B12 and other beneficial compounds. We can’t make B12 on our own. H. Pylori, the bug that leads to peptic ulcer disease, quickly changed the treatment to primarily antibiotics.

Studies are now showing that H. Pylori also regulates ghrelin (hunger hormone) levels. If you have H. Pylori in your stomach, you have a drop in ghrelin after you eat. No drop in ghrelin, then you stay hungry and may eat more. If you eat more… well, you get the picture.

Kids these days generally don’t have any H. Pylori. Rounds of antibiotics for ear infections, bronchitis (you name it) have been changing the population. And this scenario does seem to be part of the obesity puzzle. So, the next time you ask for that pink antibiotic medicine and your doctor doesn’t really think you need it, take his or her advice – it may save a few pounds.

We don’t seem to be inoculating ourselves with these helpful bugs. Babies get their first inoculation by traveling through the vaginal canal. A caesarean section bypasses this process. Also, playing outside with bare feet can boost inoculation, as well as walks in the woods and petting our dogs.

Recent comparisons of the distal (lower) gut micro biome of obese mice and lean mice (as well as lean and obese human volunteers) have revealed that obesity is associated with changes in the numbers of two of the main bacterial divisions – bacteriodes and fimicutes. Peter Turnbaugh, et al., found that this trait is transmissible.

Colonization of germ free mice with an “obese gang” results in greater body fat than the “lean gang” germs. Apparently the obese gang has a greater capacity to harvest energy from the diet.

Fecal transplants have been used to treat recurrent C. Diff infections. Perhaps this will become a weapon in the war against obesity. Hopefully not, but if you do choose this treatment, the inoculating tube comes in from above, not from below. So know (and like) thy donor well.

Dr. Luding at Boston Children’s Hospital, in a study of 73 obese adults, looked at high and low insulin secretors. The high secretors tended to be of the “apple” shape and the low secretors of the “pear” shape. The lower carb-eating plan has more success with the apple category, both in losing weight and also in the critical maintenance phase. Pears seem to be able to add more carbs to their diet as long as they don’t overeat and continue to exercise. So, for apples, checking the insulin level seems to be important.

The gut micro biome also plays a role in regulating inflammation and prodding our immunity into action. Stay tuned for the rest of the story.
Periodicals and articles referred to in this article supplied upon request.

The author grew up on a farm amongst beef cattle, dairy cattle, hogs, a few chickens, horses, dogs, cats and yes, a few humans. She seems to have a healthy gut….while her husband, a town boy, does not. Coincidence or something in their microbiome?

Call Metabolic Medical Center today at 843.971.1919 (Mt. Pleasant office), 843.573.9910 (West Ashley office), or visit us online at

Meet One Our MMC Technicians—April:

Hello, my name is April. I am a Medical Assistant at Metabolic Medical Center. Not only do I work at MMC, I also do the program. I’m currently doing the Modified Profast. I have lost over 30 pounds now, and still want to lose 15 more. MMC’s Modified works well for me due to the fact that I don’t ever get hungry. I’m allowed to eat all day and still lose weight! The supplements taste amazing and I love the “orange dreamsicle shake.” MMC will work well for anyone trying to lose weight.

Visit Us Online:

Metabolic Medical Centers
Metabolic Medical Centers of Columbia - Columbia Weight Loss Center

Mt. Pleasant Office
570 Long Point Rd, Suite 101
Mt. Pleasant, SC 29464

West Ashley Office
1941 Savage Rd, Suite 100F
West Ashley, SC 29407

Snake Oil or Science?

Which one?
- By Michal Baird, M.D. -

I like snake oil, too. Rub it on, dab a little under your arms, inject a little bit in your abdominal wall…and POOF! Belly fat be gone! Cellulite liquefies and a phalanx of macrophages will mobilize and sweep all that gooey, fatty debris away! Fun and easy, and you don’t even have to get up from the couch while you rub on the magic fat reducing liniment.

“Not So Fast, My Friend”

Yeah, we all want to lose weight, but what we really want is to keep it off. This is where the science comes in. There are some fun steps, based on science, which we take to achieve long lasting results.

Steps To Achieve Long Lasting Results
Step #1: Move. Shake a tail feather. Studies show that those who incorporate exercise daily are able to keep the weight off. They are creative with their exercise: they stand up at their desk; they walk while talking on the phone; they do jumping jacks during commercials. Use your creativity.

Step #2: Drink the good stuff. It also happens to be the cheap stuff. Dehydration and fatigue go hand-in-hand. Some studies suggest that even mild dehydration can slow metabolism and also your energy. So, bend your elbow and drink plenty of good, cold, plain water.

Step #3: Drink even more. A little coffee or tea can boost your energy, metabolism and focus. Just don’t overdo it—we all need our sleep.

Step#4: Spice up your life—pepper your food. Hot spices help clean out those Lowcountry sinuses. Recent research suggests that piperine found in black pepper helps block the formation of new fat cells. Keep the pepper away from our offensive linemen, but the rest of us can liberally sprinkle away. Curry is my favorite as well as ginger and turmeric. The Asians have long recognized the medical properties of spices—in addition to the anti-inflammatory properties of turmeric, research suggests that it may aid in fat metabolism. Bollywood here we come! Those with gallstones or bile obstruction should stay home.

Step #5: Got gas? Some of our Latino brethren have figured it out. They add epazote (Mexican tea) to those bloat producing foods. Your date might really appreciate it and ask you to tango—YES! With You!

So, there is some science out there that can help you. Start with some easy steps. Add in some challenges. Stir well. Simmer…and…POOF! You just might end up healthy!

Call Metabolic Medical Center today at
843.971.1919 (Mt. Pleasant office), 843.573.9910 (West Ashley office),
or visit us online at

New feature each month you will meet one of our medical techs.

This is Farrah.


I’m proud to say I have been a member of the MMC team for almost 14 years. During this time, we have helped thousands of South Carolinians make lifestyle changes and reach their weight loss goals.

I’m passionate about my job and really enjoy what we do. Motivating others also keeps me motivated! To stay fit and healthy I work out and follow our maintenance plan. Any exercise that involves water is a favorite. I use our protein supplements on a daily basis.

Every morning I add my hot black coffee to our Amaretto hot chocolate mix. That is my breakfast and coffee all in one. This also eliminates the need for cream and sugar and saves a ton of calories. Coffees, lattes and other morning beverages can end upwards of 700 calories just by adding a few things to them. You could have had a piece of cake!

Mine is only 80 calories and I have started my day off on the right foot. We will teach you easy exchanges like this one that has helped myself and others so much. Come in and let us help you too!

Dr. Michal Baird is the medical director of Metabolic Medical Center (MMC). She graduated from Medical University of South Carolina with a MD degree and completed a residency in Emergency Medicine in Worcester, Mass. She practiced emergency medicine full time from 1982 to 2003 and part-time from 2003 to 2005, along with working at MMC. She started working full time at MMC as Medical Director in December 2005. She is married and her husband is employed by the Charleston County school system. He is also an artist and part-time musician. Their son will be a freshman at Clemson in the fall. Her passions are cooking, college sports and promoting good health.
Have Fun, Lose Weight,
Get Healthy and Love Life!

Does Your Metabolism Need Resuscitation?

Does Your Metabolism Need Resuscitation?

By Michal Baird, MD -

Did your metabolism FLAT LINE a few years ago? No matter what you do, no matter what you eat… you still can’t seem to LOSE WEIGHT!!

How Your Metabolism Works
Your metabolism involves hormones and enzymes that take food and drink and change them into energy. When you eat and drink more than you burn, you store the rest.

Your metabolism is influenced by your age, your heredity, your body composition (% body fat and muscle), and yes, your size.

We will help you figure out your trouble spots and get your weight and energy headed in the right direction.

We Americans… we’re an interesting bunch. A lot of us don’t have time to eat any “real food” early in the day (or so we think). “Aye, there’s the rub”… trying to fit healthy foods into a busy lifestyle.

Cranking your engine with breakfast and having the correct foods for lunch is a great way to get your metabolism up and running.

Skipping Food Increases Stress Hormones
Skipping food shoots up your stress hormones and then the hunger hormones get into the chase. Now, who wants those cortisol levels going higher and higher? Not me and not you.

What is it about those cortisol levels that make us fat? Well, back in the Stone Age, when humans were out foraging for edible roots and berries, suddenly we would look around and…

Yikes! There’s an enormous carnivorous bear and we’re on its menu! Adrenaline surges and causes all our fat cells to release fatty acids into our bloodstream to be used as quick energy. We need to make a speedy exit, and the adrenals jump into overdrive, releasing cortisol. This cortisol helps us handle the surge of energy and the release of fatty acids.

Flash forward to the modern world, and we’re not running away from hungry bears… in fact, we’re not even standing – we’re hunched over, staring at computer screens, enclosed by cubicles – so cortisol guides all that released fat toward our bellies, leading to toxic fatty deposits in and around our organs.

Great, huh? So what’s one to do?

The Importance of Exercise
Exercise is an effective stress reliever and it burns calories. So, get up, stand up. Take a minute. Close your eyes. Breathe. Perform some light exercise. Relieve some stress. Chill.

Exercise also gets your metabolism moving out of the slow lane and into passing gear. Use those muscles boys and girls! Using muscles can just be the simple act of getting up from a desk or couch – all motion can be classified as exercise. Walk, move around, use your arms and legs. Dance. Put on a James Brown song and get on the good foot! Every little bit helps!

The Benefits of Healthy Food
There’s more good news. Healthy food can also ease the effect that stress has on our hormones. Healthy, fun and easy food can be found. We at MMC don’t expect perfection (how boring!) but we do hope to help you change a few bad eating habits.

ABC’S of Metabolic Resuscitation:

Better Nutrition
Check for Endocrine Problems
And Don’t Forget the D!
Why wait? We’re in charge of the ABC’s~ you’ve got the D,
Do It Now!!

We Can Help!
For help resuscitating your metabolism, please call Metabolic Medical Center today at 843.971.1919 (Mt. Pleasant office), 843.573.9910 (West Ashley office), or visit us online at

The Path to a New You

The Path to a New You

By Michal Baird, MD, Medical Director – Metabolic Medical Center -

“I want to lose weight–I need to lose weight”–How many times have you said these words to yourself? “I’ll do better tomorrow”– and you do…until late afternoon or evening hits and it all falls apart. This scenario plays out again and again.

Those of us at Metabolic Medical Center understand. We will guide you through that never-ending cycle of:

Soon you’ll be saying, “I’ve got more energy than I’ve had in 10 years!” Your new cycle will be:

How Do We Do It?
We begin by getting to know you—your preferences and your lifestyle. Then we proceed to a medical evaluation that includes:

A full metabolic blood panel
Body measurements
Blood pressure, pulse, weight, and height
You will visit with a technician who reviews all of our eating plans with you. A physician continues the evaluation by reviewing your medical history and performing a physical examination. We then provide you “your” customized eating plan.

As a full time physician with a full time family, I know what it is like to be busy. We will help you fit a healthy mindset into your contemporary American lifestyle, a lifestyle that is full of toddlers or teenagers (or both!), ballparks and weekend travel, and the demands of single parenthood. You’ve got precious little time for your health, or so you have come to believe.

Good Health and More Energy in Just Two Weeks
Metabolic Medical Center can get you on track for good health and more energy in as little as two weeks. We’ll address your needs and customize our eating plans to fit your personality, even if you say:

“I’m a picky eater!”
“I love my wine!”
“I love to graze and eat tailgate food!”
“I have to eat out for work.”
“I eat what my kids eat (or don’t finish).”
You name it. We will help!

Most of our plans involve a blend of protein supplements and food. We get many compliments on our shakes. They are so good that a number of out-of-state folks order them online. We also have developed our own concoctions, such as Dr. B’s Magic Shake, a local favorite.

Our Goal For You
The eating plans also include vitamin supplements. We choose these with your current medications and needs in mind. Some of our patients take appetite suppressants; others do not. This option is guided by the patient’s medical history. Our goal is for you to have fun, lose weight, and get healthy and love life!

Metabolic Medical Center was born in 1996, lovingly put together by Dr. Douglas Jones, a local endocrinologist. Dr. Michal Baird came on board in 2003 and has been medical director since December 2005. We are one of the oldest weight loss centers in the Lowcountry, and our continued success bears out our experience and expertise. We opened our first office in Mt. Pleasant. Some of our patients were driving quite a distance to see us, so we opened satellite offices in West Ashley, Bluffton, Murrell’s Inlet and Columbia. The programs are the same, and you will see many of the same faces staffing each satellite. We encourage continuity. We are not a franchise. We are proud to be locally born and bred.

We Can Help!
For help creating “The Path to a New You,” please call Metabolic Medical Center today at 843.971.1919 (Mt. Pleasant office), 843.573.9910 (West Ashley office), or visit us online at

Thursday, August 2, 2012

Why dieting in the summer is the best time.

Summer is the BEST time to lose weight!
Most of us resolve at the beginning of the year to lose weight and get ready for summer, but by the time summer hits that New's Years Resolution is a distant memory. Did you know that when the weather is warmer you actually have a better chance of losing weight AND keeping it off? Instead of losing weight and getting ready FOR summer let's lose weight DURING the summer.
Here's why summer is so successful:
1) Let the Light Shine.
Sunshine, simple sunshine. You are generally happier, more motivated and more energetic in the summer due to the long sunlight hours. When the sun rises before 6 a.m. and sets after 9 p.m. you are more likely to be out, busy, and moving. Think of all the things you can get done before breakfast and after dinner.
2.) Hot and Heavy.
It's hot, do you really feel like eating that big, heavy meal? Hot weather is a natural appetite suppressant. It's easier to avoid fast food and processed food in the summer because you just don't want that "heavy" feeling.
3.) Take It All In.
Eat outside. Take a lite lunch to work and go outside during your break. You are more likely to slow down when you're outside watching birds (or people). Enjoy your break.
4.) Drink 'Til You Don't Drop.
Cold water goes down easy on a hot day. Sugary sodas will not quench your thirst like water will. Avoid sugary sodas and too many frozen alcoholic drinks they make you more thirsty and add empty calories. Also, avoid sport drinks, these are loaded with sugar,sodium and calories.
5.) Fresh and Fun.
Fresh vegetables from your local Farmer's Markets and roadside stands taste so much better than supermarket vegetables. Quality and freshness are always top notch from your local market, and the prices aren't bad either. Local markets and roadside stands will often throw in "freebies" like an extra tomato, squash or pepper.
6.) Storm the Docks!
Get to know your local Salty Dog. Fish, shrimp and crab have never been fresher than they are in the summer. Be there when the boats come in.
7.) Grillin' and Chillin'.
Grilling is a fast, easy and healthy cooking method that keeps your kitchen clean and cool.
8.) Dip More Than Your Toes.
Take advantage of your pool membership, local lakes, or the ocean. Why should the kids have all the fun? Swimming feels wonderful on a hot day as an exercise that keeps you cool. Enjoy it with the kids or a private respite for yourself.
Check out these great swim exercises.
9.) Polish Your Green Thumb.
If you want to grow your own vegetables, now's the time to do it. We are so blessed to live in an area that can successfully grow something or several things all year long. Taking care of your garden (large or small) is excellent exercise. Don't forget to plant fresh herbs!
10.) Look for Deals.
(Here's a Metabolic secret) Our weight loss deals are better in the summer. Like the one at the bottom of this page.
11.) No waiting.
Our offices are not as crowded in the summer. You can get in, get out, and get on your way! 

Metabolic Medical Center articles
Metabolic weight loss of Bluffton, SC  

Wednesday, August 1, 2012

6 Tips for Heart Health

Metabolic Medical Center article: Heart Health

According to the Center of disease Control and Prevention:
     Heart disease is the leading cause of death in the United States and is a major cause
of disability. The most common heart disease in the United States is coronary
heart disease, which often appears as a heart attack. In 2009, an estimated 785,000
Americans will have a new coronary attack, and about 470,000 will have a
recurrent attack. About every 25 seconds, an American will have a coronary event,
and about one every minute will die from one.

Metabolic Medical Center of Murrells Inlet programs focus on:

A Healthy Diet and Lifestyle

What are our weapons of defense?

     • Prevent and control high blood
        pressure, high blood cholesterol, and
     • Avoid smoking and secondhand
     • Limit alcohol use.
     • Maintain a healthy weight.
     • Be active.
     • Eat healthy.

     At Metabolic Medical Center you are given the tools you need to lose weight
and be healthy. Metabolic Medical Center of Murrells Inlet is a Physician weight
loss specialty care facility that uses dietary food supplements, state-of-the-art appetite
suppressants, ongoing support and a customized plan just for you!

     Call and make an appointment today for your new beginning. On the initial
appointment, they will do extensive blood work, an EKG and you will have a
consultation with the doctor, all for under $220 (most doctors charge $600 or more
for such tests when you can get an appointment!) They determine which
plan you need, and then you add low insulin index meals to the delicious
dietary supplements (such as shakes, soups, puddings and oatmeal). It is so
easy and you can actually save money on the program as you are not buying junk
foods, fast food and fattening groceries!

     The shakes are simply delicious…so is the apple cinnamon oatmeal and the hot
Amaretto Cappuccino! The New York cheesecake pudding is also a favorite!
Metabolic Medical Center knows what they are doing to ensure your weight loss

     Americans have dedicated one whole day to honor love, but being healthy is an
entire daily practice. I challenge you to set aside your chocolates and your candy
hearts … instead try focusing on a healthy life and take every opportunity to improve
your own health for yourself and your loved ones. Being healthy creates happiness,
and happiness creates Love....

Metabolic Medical Center is located at
4017 Hwy.17 Bypass in Murrells Inlet in
Suite 201 (in the Carolina OB/GYN

Call 357-2851  …our knowledgeable and supportive staff is waiting for your call.

For more information visit our website @

Visit Metabolic Medical Center Facebook Page to connect.

Thursday, July 12, 2012

Weight Loss in Bluffton SC

Weight Loss in Bluffton SC

If you are looking for a weight loss program in Bluffton SC, Metabolic Medical Center has medical weight loss programs customized for your lifestyle.

There are many weight loss programs in Bluffton SC, but only Metabolic Medical Center has programs where you see the doctor on each visit. All the programs include your vitamins, supplements, and you appetite suppresants (if prescribed). There is no extra cost for these, and everything is included. (more about weight loss programs)

weight loss doctor Bluffton, weight loss in Bluffton, Bluffton SC weight reduction

Weight Loss Center in Bluffton SC

Our weight loss office is located at:

Metabolic Medical Center of Bluffton, SC
7 Simmonsville Road, Suite 200
Bluffton, South Carolina  29910

To schedule a free consultation or an appointment call:  843.706.0814

Need to find a weight loss doctor in Bluffton?

Dr. John Parker has been helping many people from the Hilton Head and Bluffton areas lose weight for many years.

“I think that anyone who is overweight and plans to use a weight-loss program really ought to ask themselves three questions,” said Dr. Parker. “
   1) Is the program designed by physicians;
   2) is the program presently run by physicians and
   3) most importantly, will they actually see a physician when they come to their appointments
       at the clinic.

And the answer to all three of those questions when it comes to Metabolic Medicine is yes.”

Find out why Metabolic Medical Center is the #1 weight loss center in Bluffton.

To visit our official website and research more about our weight loss programs
Metabolic Medical Center Website

Research all the options, and then you will find our metabolic center can help. The doctors weigh to a healthy you.

weight loss in Bluffton SC, Bluffton weight loss, Bluffton SC

Metabolic Research

Visit Metabolic Medical Center Facebook Page :

Weight Loss in Bluffton SC

Bluffton SC Weight Loss Centers